Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Purpose of This Blog

Hello Friends

This blog was created to expose the truth behind the so-called "largest plus size organization in the world" FullFigures. Well actually, its more to expose the truth about the founder of this organization. This is in no way shape or form being created to harrass, intimidate, or threaten anyone. We have a lot of respect for the members of FullFigures because they are, as far as we know, in no way shape or form involved in the behind the scenes drama that KeKe Dillard created. We have nothing but sympathy and respect for the member's of FullFigures because they are being hood winked and they don't even know it. We pity them. We are a group of plus sized women who only want to share our experience so that you can make your own informed decision on how you wish to pursue your dreams. Like many of you, our dream is to become Full Figured Models. We wished that someone had warned us before we got involved in this mess. This is a warning to you to be careful on which organization to get involved with. Take it or leave it. Believe it or not the choice is yours. Take a look at the evidence and ask around if you like. Or ignore it and continue to have the wool pulled over your eyes. We could care less but our story will be told. We invite you to share your story as well but please only stick with the facts because we are being accuesed of making up lies by the founder of FullFigures. And also keep in mind, if and when she reads this blog, this is freedom of speech and we cannot be shut down.


The Truth

1 comment:

  1. I commend the creator of this blog for speaking out and not being intimidated by all the smoke and mirrors Keke is throwing up. It's an obvious attempt to play victim and brainwash the masses to join her side...It's nice to see another point of view on these events..
